Stop Procrastinating, Start Doing.

The 2-week accountability cohort that helps entrepreneurs, creators and professionals take action on the work that matters.

"This WorkSprint has been really good for me. It’s helped me refine my daily workflow and habits and has fostered a renewed sense of focus."

During WorkSprint: Finished designing & testing personal portfolio design project
Neil Kahn
UX Designer & Instructor
"I made major leaps in the right direction for everything and that makes me really happy and excited for the rest of the year!"

During WorkSprint: Launched new agency and signed first client
Nishchay Patel
Founder @ Creadev, DJ

Tired of wasting time?

You have goals. You have projects you want to complete.

And the thing is, you know you’re capable of doing the work. You’ve done it before. You’ve had periods of high motivation, intense focus. Likely, these have been some of the most enjoyable periods of your life (they have been for me).

But now you’re stuck the procrastination trap.

And when you eventually do sit down and do the work, you feel a lack of intensity, focus and flow.

You know that the answer isn’t more thinking or planning. It’s taking action.

And WorkSprint helps you do just that.

What is WorkSprint?

An intensive 2-week experience that helps you stop wasting time, escape the world of mediocre productivity, and focus with intensity on the work that matters. 

Not only do you get more done when you apply your energy in one direction, you do much better work. WorkSprint helps you narrow your focus, working with intensity & speed on the high-leverage project that you know you need to do but keep putting off. 

At the start of each day, you’ll write your plan for the day in the “daily check-ins” space inside the community. Once finished, you’ll come back to confirm completion. This public, community-centric accountability pushes you to do the work (even, and especially when you don’t feel like doing it).

Focus alongside others during the daily group co-working calls. These are completely optional (but beneficial) 90-min sessions where you join, state your intention in the chat, and then get to work. Everyone stays on mute. It’s a game-changer if you work from home or by yourself and want extra motivation and accountability.

Actionable live trainings & workshops that help you become more productive, both during WorkSprint and beyond. 

Sessions for August 2024 cohort:

  • How to Escape Productivity Inertia
  • 25x Productivity – How to Compound Your Efforts
  • Time & Energy Management Masterclass
  • How to Push Through Work Plateaus


Each session is recorded for those who can’t make the time. 

The best way to force behaviour change is by changing your environment. When you join WorkSprint, you automatically surround yourself with other entrepreneurs, creators and professionals all working towards a similar goal: to work hard on a high-leverage project, avoid procrastination, and stay accountable. The energy is infectious. 

"Just by tracking goals and my daily work towards those goals, I started examining how procrastination patterns pop up in my day. And by the end of the sprint, I was starting to get better at dodging those. The program is self-directed but supportive. It’s accountable but judgement-free. It’s you, only more motivated. You know you can do this. WorkSprint helps you actually do it."
Ross Gillfillan

Is WorkSprint for you?

Most people who join WorkSprint are either:

  • Entrepreneurs & Solopreneurs who know there’s a high impact project they should be working on, but haven’t started it yet (or progress has stalled). 
  • Creatives & Freelancers who want to push forward a big project, take on more clients, or significantly increase their creative output.
  • Professionals who want to build a business or work on a project on the side, and are looking for an extra “push” to make it happen.
But really, if you relate to any of the following, then WorkSprint is a good fit for you: 
  • You regularly procrastinate, even though you like the work you do. 
  • You know you’re capable of much more. If you could procrastinate less and execute more, everything will fall into place.
  • The idea of intense, aggressive action-taking excites you. You’re not afraid of working hard on a project that matters.
  • You work from home or by yourself and struggle with self-motivation as a result. You want to be part of an environment and community that naturally encourages you to take action.

Previous attendees of WorkSprint have included freelancers, tech entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, writers, creators, executives, musicians, and many others. Almost everyone can benefit from a WorkSprint, but especially those who have some control over their time and recognize the benefits of significantly increased productivity.

Why do a WorkSprint?

By enrolling in a WorkSprint cohort, you will:

Sprint Schedule & Overview

Sprint dates: August 19th - September 1st, 2024

(onboarding starts on August 16th)

Live Session #1: Kick-off call + meet & greet

🗓️ Friday, August 16th at 7 PM EST

Live Session #2: Escape productivity inertia & stop procrastinating

🗓️ Tuesday, August 19th at 4 PM EST

Live Session #3: 25x Productivity (How to cultivate elite output)

🗓️ Friday, August 23rd at 4 PM EST

Live Session #4: Halfway checkpoint and Q&A session

🗓️ Monday, August 26th at 4 PM EST

Live Session #5: Time & energy management masterclass

🗓️ Tuesday, August 27th at 4 PM EST

Live Session #6: How to push through work plateaus

🗓️ Friday, August 30th at 4 PM EST

Live Session #7: Celebration, review & reflection call

🗓️ Monday, September 1st at 4 PM EST

⏱️ Virtual Deep Work Sessions

90-min focused work sessions (set intentions in chat, participants on mute):

  • Weekdays: 1 PM EST & 6 PM EST
  • Saturday & Sunday: No official sessions, but can self-organize in community.

Enroll in the August WorkSprint

Next cohort begins on August 19, 2024. Join now to secure your spot (limited to 50 spots)




one payment



one payment

4/5 spots remaining

No risk. Limitless upside.

We want your WorkSprint investment to be risk-free. If you give it an honest effort and complete at least 50% of the daily check-ins but feel unsatisfied—we’ll refund you.

What others are saying

Who's Behind WorkSprint?

Sam Matla, Entrepreneur & Productivity Coach

In 2019, I reached a point in my business where I was bored. I got complacent. I’d built a machine that worked without me. A blessing, which ended up becoming a curse.

I spent the next couple years trying to “figure out what was next.” Which was truly a spectacle in overthinking and procrastination. It wasn’t until I decided enough was enough, and I just needed to do something.

So I did my own “WorkSprint.” I built and launched two digital products in a month. Then I restarted my dormant YouTube channel, which resulted in growing from 500 -> 10,000 subscribers in a space of 6 months.

Action cures fear, complacency, and overthinking. “Sprinting” got me back on track and pulled me out of the depths of procrastination and analysis paralysis. I believe it can do the same for you. Your situation might not be as dire as mine was (you’re not procrastinating too much, you just want to be even more effective), or it might be worse. Either way, WorkSprint is a powerful approach to getting the results and behavior change that you’re after.


Frequently Asked Questions

Let me be clear: WorkSprint is what I wish I had when I was in the deep pit of chronic procrastination.

What I really needed was someone to come alongside me and say, “Hey Sam. I know you don’t want to stay where you are. Let’s set a goal together. Let’s change this once and for all. Let’s finally DO something.”

And then stick with me until I’d changed.

See, WorkSprint is not just another online course. It’s not another money grab. It’s something that’s been carefully designed to maximize output and consistent work effort.

  • The singular goal/project provides clarity and focus.
  • The 14-day timeframe helps force habit and behaviour change (it’s not just a few days of focused work and then back to old ways).
  • The accountability mechanisms, including the daily check-in, will get you through the hard days where you feel like slacking off. They’ll also provide you with a feeling of massive momentum as you start building a chain of focused work days.


Yes, it will help you.

We want your WorkSprint investment to be risk-free.

If you give it an honest effort, attend the live sessions, and complete at least 50% of the daily check-ins but feel unsatisfied—we’ll refund you.

And if you find after signing up that your schedule is busier than you expected it to be (life gets in the way), then we’ll roll you forward into a future sprint for zero additional cost.

But part of what makes WorkSprint effective is the “skin in the game” and accountability. We don’t want you to back out. We want you to do the work. If you don’t engage at all in the cohort, don’t complete any daily check-ins, and don’t attend any live sessions, then you won’t be eligible for a refund.

After the 14 day sprint, you should feel accomplished, confident, and also have a feeling of momentum.

We’ll wrap things up with a group video call (optional), and give you the option to join the next WorkSprint for an exclusive discounted price (we’ve designed it so you can do it again and again).

You’ll retain access to any training videos and recordings, as well as the shared community general chat (minus the daily check-ins channel and future cohorts).

No, you choose your own project or goal to work on. 

WorkSprint is project-agnostic. If you want to publish 4 videos on your YouTube Channel in 14 days, go for it. If you want to finish your book, go for it.

There are criteria that we strongly recommend you follow to get the most out of the experience, those are:

  • It should be measurable. Something like “be better at YouTube” doesn’t count because it’s too hard to measure.
  • It should have a controllable-output. Setting a goal like “Get 1,000 subscribers” also doesn’t count because it’s outside of your control. A goal or project like, “Create 2 high quality YouTube videos each 10min long” is inside your control.
  • It should be able to be completed within the 14-day timeframe. Overly ambitious goals will likely be detrimental to your WorkSprint experience. Your goal/project should feel challenging, but not impossible. 

You sure can! And if you manage to pull it off, all the more power to you. That’s awesome.

But what I’ve found working with other entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and creators is that accountability is sorely needed.

When you’re working by yourself, it’s way too easy to get derailed and procrastinate. You can have the best “productivity model” in the world, but if there’s little incentive to stick with it, then you won’t.

At the core of WorkSprint is the robust accountability system that has you check-in daily. It’s intense, sometimes uncomfortable, but it damn well works.

I get you. You’re not alone.

Like many others (including myself), you probably struggle with overthinking and analysis paralysis.

Maybe you have a few ideas for projects, but you just can’t decide.

The truth is, you will need to make a decision, but I’ll help you do that. On the onboarding call, we have a full training session on how to choose and plan your project (even if you’re a chronic overthinker).

Our philosophy is that choosing a project is better than not doing any work at all. And it’s only 14 days, so if you work on something that’s suboptimal (unlikely), it’s only been less than a month—and you’ve probably picked up a few healthy work habits along the way.

Timezones and schedules are a thing, and while we try to accommodate for everyone, sometimes it’s just not possible.

With that said, the live training sessions are more of an “add-on” to WorkSprint. The core value is in the community and accountability—both of which can be engaged in regardless of timezone or schedule.

All training sessions will be recorded. The virtual coworking sessions won’t be.

In the future, as WorkSprint grows, we plan to have more virtual coworking sessions (ideally multiple times per day to accommodate different timezones).

If you think having structured accountability, a vibrant community of others all working towards their own goals and projects, and a set timeframe of 14 days to really push forward your project—then yes, it’s worth it.

If you’re working on a big project (like a book), then you can treat your WorkSprint as a 14-day time period to really push an aspect of the project forward (example: write the entire first draft of the book).

That’s completely up to you. Many WorkSprinters, including myself, like to work Saturdays but take Sundays off to recharge. I personally find that without one day off per week that I end up being less productive over the course of four weeks, because my focus starts to degrade.

Others like to work every day to push their project forward. They like the daily momentum.

And others take weekends off altogether to spend with family and fulfill other responsibilities.

There’s no “right” way to do this. But it’s not really a WorkSprint if you only work one day a week, so we suggest every week day at the very least. After signup, you’ll fill out an onboarding survey that will ask about your commitment so we know not to expect an accountability check-in that day.

Email me [email protected] and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 

What others have worked on during WorkSprint

Neil Kahn

UX Designer & Instructor

Built out several SOPs and delegated hours of weekly work to rest of team

"I made a lot more progress on my project during the three weeks of WorkSprint than I had on the three weeks prior."

Nishchay Patel

Founder at Creadev, DJ, Producer

Launched new agency and signed first client on a monthly retainer

"I made major leaps in the right direction for everything and that makes me really happy and excited for the rest of the year!"

Christian Mills

Co-founder of South Drawn

Built out several SOPs and delegated hours of weekly work to rest of team

"WorkSprint helped me push through a bunch of boring but necessary work that I'd been putting off for months."

Nicholas Di Lorenzo

Mastering engineer & founder of Panorama Mastering

Created an automated email funnel to nurture new leads

"I'm ridiculously ecstatic over this sprints' results"

Here's a bunch of ideas to inspire you:

What others have worked on during WorkSprint

Not sure what to work on? Here are some ideas




Ready to sprint?